X edition: Rome, October 13-14, 2015

CompraVerde-BuyGreen Forum is an international fair devoted to politics, projects, public and private Green Procurement services, supported by Regione Lazio, Roma Capitale, Coordinamento Agende 21 Locali Italiane, Ecosistemi e Adescoop-Agenzia dell’Economia Sociale working together with a first-rate variety of national entities.
After the successful 2013 edition, this year’s VIIIth Forum has took place at the Roman Aquarium in Rome, proposing a cultural program of excellent stature, the GreenContact Grant and many other special initiatives to operators and visitors.
BuyGreen 2014 confirmed a growth in interest and participation of enterprises, dealers, staff and public administrations: there had been many cultural appointments supervised by over 80 speakers, beyond different formative workshops in which they developed topics linked to green procurement themes and experts’ interventions.
The outcome of this event was a success, underlined by a great agreement to GreenContact, a Purchase Grant, around which eco-friendly enterprises, buyers, suppliers and citizens met and gathered together, organized in one-to-one interviews. Carrying out over 700 conversations clearly showed the importance and attention paid and deserved to sustainable economy.
A great interest was also demonstrated to Replica, an international exhibition of ecofriendly jobs, which recorded an excellent public turnout at the different meetings in program.

Web site: www.forumcompraverde.it

Roma, 18-19 ottobre 2018

Mostra-convegno dedicata a politiche, progetti, beni e servizi di Green Procurement pubblico e privato. CompraVerde-BuyGreen ha ottenuto la certificazione per la gestione sostenibile dell’evento in conformità con lo standard ISO20121.

Sito web: www.forumcompraverde.it

Edizione 2017:

L’edizione 2017 del Forum è stata promossa dalla Fondazione Ecosistemi e dal Coordinamento Agende 21 Locali Italiane, in collaborazione con il Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare, Unioncamere e ICLEI, con Adescoop-Agenzia dell’Economia Sociale in qualità di segreteria organizzativa.

Si è chiusa con un bilancio nettamente positivo la XI edizione di CompraVerde-BuyGreen, Forum Internazionale degli Acquisti Verdi, che si è tenuto per il secondo anno consecutivo a Roma – EUR, al Salone delle Fontane giovedì 12 e venerdì 13 ottobre.


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